Most transparent CEO – part 1

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Good Old Trend

As I’ve been challenged by both Jocke and Sorosh regarding the title as most transparent CEO, I have to step my game up a bit.

Apart from Jaiku and Dopplr, I’m planning to release my calendar (iCal) and my todos (Remember the Milk). Unfortunately the iCal-feed seems to contain everything I’ve ever written it in – and not just the upcoming events (is there a way of fixing this?). This means that I have to go through all my events in order to make sure that nothing sensitive is published. I can be transparent, but I can’t assume that all my clients want to be. I’m working on that one.

On all future events this could be arranged fairly simply, but on the other hand – what is the point of saying that I have a meeting with a someone if I only name their company name, or the persons first name? That would be like phoning somebody’s secretary and finding out he/she was “in a meeting”. Not very transparent. On the other hand I can’t force it upon people either.

It’s interesting, but a bit tricky all this. Any thoughts on what approach to take here?

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