Conferences / Keynotes 2008
Here are the conferences and events I’ll be speaking at this year (updated as soon as confirmed). I’m trying to do considerably fewer than last year 🙂
Summer holiday! Yay!
Previous keynotes 2008
24th of January – Keynote about the net society for Ladies Circle Malmö
30th of January – Workshop about digital marketing and social media for Åland Form, in Mariehamn.
11th of February – Presentation about Digital/Physical for Tetra Pak North Europe
20th of February – Presentation about the net society and internet currency for the Swedish Foreign Ministry.
5th of March – Workshop about digital marketing and social media for Sandvik, Sandviken
7th of March – Keynote about the net society at Hem & Villa
9th of April – Keynote at KTH Medieteknik on The Technical Divide
9th of April – Keynote and panel discussion about web 2.0 at Webbdagarna.
15th of April – Trends in online marketing for at O-baren in Stockholm
21st of April – Leading an advisory board for Frisörföretagarna
23rd of April – Keynote on teen online behaviour, for Studentlitteratur
14th of May – Keynote at Dagens Industri about editorial and advertising trends
15th of May – Keynote about teen online behaviour, at The Swedish Institute.
11th of June – Keynote about The Technical Divide at Pecha Kucha Malmö.
12th of June – Keynote about Internet Strategy, at the Business to Buttons conference in Malmö.