All posts filed under: Good Old Trend

Working with what you’ve got – The story

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Good Old Trend

At the end of last week we released the second part of our web project for the news magazine Fokus. It’s a wiki with the 100 most powerful people in Sweden, to begin with. Also, we built in Twingly functionality which aggregates what bloggers say about each person. Working with a small, but strong, brand like Fokus requires careful planning. Below I’ll share some thoughts on how we reasoned in choosing these specific projects. 1. […]

At Media Evolution today

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Good Old Trend

I’m in the audience of Media Evolution at the moment, and I’ll be holding a short keynote later on. If you’re here – please come up and say hello to me or my colleagues. This is what we look like. There’s a video of me here as well – and if you’re wondering: yes, the last part was intended as a joke. It didn’t really seem to get through well enough 😉 The same things […]

OMG! Google acquires Jaiku

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Good Old Trend

Google acquires Jaiku Jaiku is joining Google. While it’s too soon to comment on specific plans, we look forward to working with our new friends at Google over the coming months to expand in ways we hope you’ll find interesting and useful. Our engineers are excited to be working together and enthusiastic developers lead to great innovation. We look forward to accomplishing great things together. In order to focus on innovation instead of scaling, we […]

Most transparent CEO – part 1

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Good Old Trend

As I’ve been challenged by both Jocke and Sorosh regarding the title as most transparent CEO, I have to step my game up a bit. Apart from Jaiku and Dopplr, I’m planning to release my calendar (iCal) and my todos (Remember the Milk). Unfortunately the iCal-feed seems to contain everything I’ve ever written it in – and not just the upcoming events (is there a way of fixing this?). This means that I have to […]

Why Web TV is more than just bad normal TV

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Good Old Trend

I’m a guest lecturer at the University of Lund this week. The theme is online journalism, a subject that interests me a lot. Apart from the irony of me lecturing at the same institution that I once planned to attend, a lot of interesting thoughts have come up regarding journalism. Web TV for instance. I had to write it down. It seems some have misunderstood the whole point of TV, or moving images, on the […]

Facebook launches FBFund

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Good Old Trend

Now this is normally not a blog that covers too much news, but this was to interesting to pass on. At Techcrunch 40, Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, announced that they will be starting a fund to support Facebook developers. The sum of money will range from $25 000-$250 000 and the only condition so far is that it is spent on developing their company within Facebook. IMHO, this is a brilliant idea. When […]

And it only took 70 years

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Good Old Trend

70 years with television and suddenly the TV channels gets how people watch it. Using several channels, not just the one that they happen to own. It started this summer with Schibsted´s acquisition of, a fairly basic site that lists what television programmes are on. Following this, both TV4 and Kanal5 decided to take on a new approach to what a television site could, and should, contain. Information about television – no matter what […]