Twitter pays engineer $10 million as Silicon Valley tussles for talent

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There are several ways of reading this. Could be a clear sign of a big tech bubble. Or a more interesting take: that software engineering – considered by most regular companies as a commodity – is being valued on the same level as business and management. $10 million is a lot of money either way, but I think the reaction from people more stems from whom is getting paid that sum. Well paid executives in management is hardly news.

Edit: I know that an SVP of Engineering is management too, but the point here was how the area as a whole was valued.

Twitter pays engineer $10 million as Silicon Valley tussles for talent

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There are numerous articles every week on how to scale and grow a company. Startup metrics, growth hacking, technology choices. While they are all important, there are many other traits that also affect the growth rate of a company. I would argue that trust is one of the most important ones.

I just started writing at Svbtle as an attempt to reach out a little wider. This is my first post there.

Scaling is a matter of trust

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Apple is – and, for at least the last 15 years, has been – focused exactly on the blind spot in the theory of low-end disruption: differentiation based on design which, while it can’t be measured, can certainly be felt by consumers who are both buyers and users.

It’s time for the theory to change.

Really interesting article that addresses design and UX as a strategic differentiator in consumer goods. And that the theory Disruptive Innovation may need to change.

What Clayton Christensen Got Wrong in his Theory of Low-End Disruption