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New paradigms tend to start in technologies that are cheap to build, and spread to technologies that are expensive to build. They spread from text to software to hardware. (…) To see a further into the future of hardware, we might look at what’s happening with text today. When we look at Twitter and SMS, we still see communication and gift. But more strikingly, we see smallness.

If software follows content, I imagine we’ll start to see lots of APIs that do small things. But they will easily interact with one another to together do big things. And if hardware then follows software, I imagine that we will see lots of small devices that do simple things alone, but complex things together. They might remind us of ants.

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Fortnighter provides global travel itineraries customized to your exact specifications. Tell us about your trip and a professional travel writer with fresh local knowledge will suggest the best experiences for your specific interests.

Interesting concept as it raises the question if writing and sharing of information is to be treated as craft and artisanship – thus justifying a higher price since it is custom made.


notes.unwieldy: The $144,146,165 Button

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The average New York City taxi cab driver makes $90,747 in revenue per year. There are roughly 13,267 cabs in the city. In 2007, NYC forced cab drivers to begin taking credit cards, which involved installing a touch screen system for payment.

During payment, the user is presented with three…

I’ve often wondered about this, and now I know. It works – very well. There’s a lesson to be learned for media companies here somewhere.

notes.unwieldy: The $144,146,165 Button

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Cellphone producers worked with a Taiwan company that stands outside of Chinese governance, MediaTek, to quickly produce affordable and customizable cellphones that could flood markets within and outside of China. Essentially, cellphone producers dreamed of a way to operate outside of market regulations for cellphones and in the end shanzai phones now are estimated to makeup 20% of all cellphone sales within China.

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Education has become a substitute for thinking about your future.

Peter Thiel, from Pando Monthly earlier this evening. Although I don’t agree on everything he said it was thoroughly refreshing to hear someone that _actually had clear opinions about things, and not just the default cliché startup ramblings that are so common. He made me think, which I always appreciate.